Darker? You have to be kidding!

>> Monday, August 25, 2008

In an interview with the Wall Street Journal, Warner Bros. Pictures Group President Jeff Robinov indicated the studio intends to explore the darker side of superheroes in future films based on DC Comics properties, also owned by Time Warner. Prompted by the success of Christopher Nolan’s Batman sequel “The Dark Knight,” which he credits to the profoundly grim tone of the film, Robinov told WSJ’s Lauren A.E. Schucker, “We're going to try to go dark to the extent that the characters allow it. That goes for the company's Superman franchise as well.”

Darker? Superman? You have to be kidding! As if the last film -- Superman Returns -- didn't spoil the character enough already. In that one film, we saw Lois Lane shacking up with her new boyfriend as they raise the offspring of the sexual encounter between Superman and Lois Lane way back in Superman 2. Lois doesn't tell her boyfriend or her son about the true parentage of the child. Now, if I understand the storyline correctly, Superman had sex with Lois back in Superman 2 and then used his powers to make her totally forget about the encounter. (Sounds like a twist on the traditional definition of date rape, I think.) Thanks to the developments of Superman Returns, can you imagine how poor Lois must have felt when she discovered that she was pregnant... and had no memory of how a child might have been conceived?! Yeah, let's see if we can make the Superman franchise any darker, shall we?

And don't get me started about the totally ugly costume changes they've already made to Superman with Brandon Routh taking over the character. The bright red cape, trunks, and boots were turned into a dingy brick-brown color, and they slung the belt line lower to make him... I dunno... more modern? (I'm trying not to use some of the adjectives that come to mind here.) Essentially, they took the great American icon -- the quintessential hero -- and scraped off some of the bright colors and wholesome nature of the character in hopes that audiences might better connect with him.

Personally, I think Warner Bros. has totally missed the boat on what makes Superman such a special hero. It's that whole "heroic" thing! He should be noble, honest, pure, wholesome, self-sacrificing, and... well, heroic, dagnabbit! But after the success of the very grim and disturbing Dark Knight, they now think their best hopes lie in tarnishing the character even further.


Thank goodness Marvel comics seems to be on a roll, what with this summer's Iron Man flick and all. Here's hoping our culture can keep the "hero" in "superhero" somehow.


Unknown August 25, 2008 at 9:08 PM  

Eeeewwww.....I had no idea! How awful our movie taste has become in this country! I had heard "The Dark Knight" was good but filled with more violence than necessary ~ and I wasn't aware of the Superman switch...I sit with you and *sigh*...

Kim August 26, 2008 at 11:00 AM  

Yea, what a shame. No more Christopher Reeve.

Scott, I forgot to tell you that while away in Johnstown, PA, I came across a stack of old comic books at a salvage yard. The girls and I searched through them for a Green Lantern one for you, but didn't find one. Devyn picked up Spiderman. She loves it.

AndyM August 26, 2008 at 3:21 PM  

Sooner or later -- everyone will be the Punisher, even Superman.

Have you seen the Iron Giant? It's hard to believe that he would be rocketing to certain, sacrificing death saying "Punisher!" ...

I have a theory: when Republicans are in the White House too long, comicbook writers go nuts. In the 80's, we got V and Watchmen ... in 00's we get Civil War, Crisis Upon Crisis and this new batch of DC movies.


Stacy August 27, 2008 at 4:11 PM  

I think the last movie Bri and I watched was Kung Fu Panda....and that's after SO many people had told us to go see India Jones. When we asked the guy at the ticket counter which movie he like better he said, "DEFINITELY Kung-Fu Panda!"
I like movies that are fun, fresh, and most of all, creative!
I don't know about Dark Knight's creativity, but I do know that it seemed like a dark and somewhat spooky take on what's already been done before.
Just like all of those movies that are spin-offs of what were great TV series (like Get Smart) I didn't see the current movie, but I read enough of the review to know that it was a sexed-out, cheap laughs version of the show that I LOVED as a kid! (that shoe phone and the cone of silence were SO great!)
Anyway, go see Kung Fu Panda...a movie that was surprisingly creative and fun.
What a concept! :) (sheesh...I've rambled on...guess I've got a soapbox of my own on this subject!) :)
Miss you and SO glad to hear that your conference, and the friendships there, were SO incredible! God be praised!
The Smiths miss you guys!

Anonymous September 2, 2008 at 12:46 PM  

Did you catch the series of daily comics in "Funky Winkerbean" commemorating the 75th anniversary of Superman? Start with http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/fun/funky.asp?date=20080819 and you can go day by day through the end of August.

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