Back From the Beach

>> Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Our family returned home this afternoon from a quick couple of nights with Mick & Tricia Martin at their place in Colonial Beach. It was a wonderful, restful time.

And by "restful," I mean lots of rest! I slept in both mornings (which, for me lately, means past 6:30), and on Monday I squeezed in not one but two naps.

We had a wonderful time tasting and munching at local winery. We ate dinner out on the upper deck looking across the Potomac. We listened to seagulls and lapping waves and a crackling bonfire at night. I read a little, played games with the kids, admired our incredibly intelligent and obedient dog (!), and simply "caught my breath." But, more than anything, we enjoyed just hanging out with new friends.

On the drive home today, it struck me how often God gives us such simple, wonderful blessings and how easy it is for me to take them for granted. When I pull back a little and look at life, I am reminded again at just how incredible the Lord has been to me over the years. Even the darkest days of my life have been a tool to bring me even greater blessings.

And I am so utterly, completely undeserving. Which just makes me marvel at God's grace all the more...


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