Great Day at VT

>> Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Ben and I had a great day at Virginia Tech yesterday. We sat through about 5 hours of presentations on the various engineering departments and opportunities, and learned that Ben is in really great shape for their program if that's where God's leading him.

What really impressed me was just how God has wired my son. It seems like engineering is a perfect fit for his interests and gifts. There were so many possibilities open to him, and I could see his mind and spirit beginning to narrow things down a bit as the day progressed. Though it's not entirely clear where God is leading his life, it was obvious that God was at work tugging on him in a general direction.

Oh yeah. We also ate a lot of junk food. Cinnabon! On campus! Woot! (Hey, it was a guys' road trip day. Of course we ate too much!)


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