Starting the Second Year

>> Tuesday, April 8, 2008

One year ago today, I began my role as the Pastor of Hope Christian Fellowship. It's been an amazing year! After a few months of bouncing back and forth between here and Arizona, our home in the southwest finally sold and God brought our whole family together. He has blessed us with an extraordinary home nestled in the woods, and surrounded us with some truly wonderful friends. The Lord is also stirring in our midst at Hope as our church family grows. (Did you know that we've just about doubled in size in the last year? Wow!) In a couple of weeks we'll be meeting in a new place -- no, I don't know where yet, but we're getting closer to nailing something down. And it's a good thing we're moving; we barely fit over at Auburn these days. I'm loving our Sunday afternoon Hope Group. We've got a great leadership team in place now, and they just get better at their role every month. Lissa has done some amazing things with our Hope Kids program, and our Junior & Senior High students continue to draw in guests each week. Ben, Beth, & Becky are doing great in school, and now they have jobs they really enjoy. In addition to teaching and making sure everything in our household is running smoothly, Margo is doing some really amazing stuff getting a new online communication tool ready for our church family. Paint is finally going up on the walls at home (I'll post pictures as we get further along), and there are signs of upcoming planting projects starting to show up around the house. I'm excited about so many things, and truly looking forward to my second year here!


Unknown April 8, 2008 at 8:37 PM  

We are looking forward to your second year here as well. However, I do think you need another picture ... your tan is gone ;)

Nicole April 10, 2008 at 11:59 PM  

I can't believe it's been a year already! It's so cool to hear how God is blessing you guys, we really are so happy for you. Hope sounds like an amazing church and we hope to visit it someday...hey can we be the guest of honor and sit on the stage in a thrown style chair like they do on TBN???

Anyway, can't wait to hear where your new meeting place will be!

Love you guys and miss you...

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