The Struggle For Silence
>> Monday, May 17, 2010
This past Sunday, our afternoon Small Group watched Rob Bell's "Nooma" video entitled "Noise." Bell challenged us to consider why silence is such a difficult thing to deal with, and he suggested that if we really want to hear from God perhaps we should begin by shutting off some of the noise in our lives. Our group enjoyed a great discussion following the video.
The pursuit of silence is a really important spiritual discipline to me. One of the things I learned in making the transition from Arizona to Virginia is how much I crave moments of solitude to recharge my batteries and regain my focus. It was easy when I first arrived here since Margo and the kids were still out in Arizona selling our house. For a couple of months, I lived kind of like a single guy once again. It was simple to find some alone space, to shut off the noise around me, and to listen for the whisper of God's Spirit.
But as we've become more integrated in the overly-committed lifestyle of northern Virginia, my pursuit of silence has become an increasingly rare treat. So I've resolved to be more intentional in simply being quiet before God. After all, Psalm 46:10 has become the pivotal verse of my life -- "Be still (literally cease, stop, be silent) and know that I am God."
Last night I had the opportunity to get a good start on this renewed pursuit. I was awakened in the middle of the night and had trouble falling back to sleep. So I lay there in the dark listening to the gentle rain falling outside. Everything was so hushed and still. It really felt like a sacred moment. I deliberately quieted my thoughts and just listened, my soul straining to hear the whisper of God's Spirit. Time crept by slowly, and it was beautiful.
I'm looking forward to making these moments a regular part of life once more. It's a wondrous thing to hear God when everything else is quiet and still.
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