Peace in the Dark Valley
>> Tuesday, March 16, 2010
As I write this, Margo's mother, Marge, is being prepped for surgery. For some people, it would be a frightening venture. But for her, it's become an opportunity to savor peace.Marge was diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer well over a year ago. They discovered it when her femur cracked and her legs collapsed under her. The cancer had metastasized to her bones. Thus began the gueling treaments of chemo and radiation, but we were all rejoicing when they declared the cancer had gone into remission.
Now she's faced with something entirely new -- a mass in her uterus that has grown from the size of a baseball to the size of a basketball (!) in the past month. They're unsure if it's a rapidly growing benign tumor, uterine cancer, or ovarian cancer. In any case, the mass has got to go. It's causing her extreme pain and diminishing her lung capacity.
The last time Marge was in the hospital preparing for this surgery, she developed pneumonia and had a pulmonary embolism that could have taken her life. That led to various blood thinners and other medications that postponed this surgery. So Marge had to wait many weeks for the chemicals to clear her system... all while this mass has grown and her pain increased. Even now she's gone through two full transfusions this past weekend in an effort to prepare her for this day.
I spoke with Marge last night. We talked about how she's feeling, what to anticipate today and in the days that follow, etc. We laughed. We prayed. And then Marge wanted me to know something important: "Well, this is the only world I've known, so I'd like to stay around for a while longer. But if the good Lord wants to introduce me to a new world tomorrow, I'm ready for that, too."
You see, in the midst of the cancer and diminishing health, Marge discovered the grace of God. In fact, she's even expressed gratitude for the disease because it helped her realize how much the Lord loves her, how he desires her now and forever, how he's surrendered his own life on the cross to satisfy the justice for her sins, and how she can freely embrace God's forgiveness and leading.
Through all of this, Marge has become a follower of Christ. And it's that peace with God that allowed her to share such genuine words of serenity with me last night.
We don't really know what to expect next. We're praying they're able to remove this mass, that it's benign, that the follow-up pain would be minimal, that recovery would be quick, and that Marge could go back to enjoying her life surrounded by such great friends. But whatever is in store, God has it all planned out and will be with her every step of the way.
Psalm 23 NLT
The Lord is my shepherd;
I have all that I need.
He lets me rest in green meadows;
he leads me beside peaceful streams.
He renews my strength.
He guides me along right paths,
bringing honor to his name.
Even when I walk
through the darkest valley,
I will not be afraid,
for you are close beside me.
Your rod and your staff
protect and comfort me.
You prepare a feast for me
in the presence of my enemies.
You honor me by anointing my head with oil.
My cup overflows with blessings.
Surely your goodness and unfailing love
will pursue me
all the days of my life,
and I will live in the house of the Lord
Quick Update:
The tumor is malignant. It was fused to her uterus, ovaries, colon, rectum... a real mess. The damage was so severe that they had to perform a colonostomy in addition to the hysterectomy and removal of the tumor.
There appear to be some post-op complications that may require additional surgery.
The road ahead is difficult. Chemo. Pain management. The whole colonostomy thing. While still trying to get back on her feet from the effects of the first cancer.
But God is there. And that makes all the difference.
"But God is there. And that makes all the difference."
Scott, that is the TRUTH! He is our ALL. I am praying for you all-Marge, Margo, you and the kids as well as Marge's doctors.
On another note--Jerry Sittser's book--I gave Andy's mom a copy of the Grace Disguised book and she was blessed and she passed it on to her pastor. Thank you.
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