Try That Again...?

>> Friday, May 2, 2008

Yesterday I took the kids out to lunch at Chik-fil-A. Yeah, I know. You'd think we'd be tired of that place with them all working there. But they get a discount, I had a coupon, Margo is out of town, so...

During lunch, we somehow got onto the subject of birthdays and I discovered that Beth has no idea when my birthday is. She knew the month, but that was it. She took a couple of guesses, and all I could say was, "Um, try that again...?"

Then I turned to Ben and said, "Tell your sister when my birthday is." He got a silly grin on his face and finally admitted that he didn't know either.

At last I turned to Becky and told her to set her brother and sister straight. She just started laughing. She didn't know either.

What's really scary is how quickly they rattled off everyone else's birthday in the family, not to mention the birthdays of their closest friends. But good ol' Dad? All they could say was the month.

Truly, I'm not sure what to think about that. We all had a good laugh, that's for sure. And I clued them in to the right day so they won't risk missing it (it's September 24, by the way). I'm counting on a really, really big and expensive gift this year as proof that they haven't forgotten. Ha ha ha!


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