>> Monday, May 5, 2008
I have to admit that I'm a bit distracted in the office today. Oh, sure, there are plenty of things to occupy my attention. We're meeting at another location on Sunday, and because of our guest speaker's rescheduling I've got to rework my plans for the day. The Admin. Team is busy with various projects -- figuring out what to do because of our tremendously overweight trailer, identifying a location for 3 Sundays this summer, and things like that -- and I could always do some investigating and offer input. I've got some follow-up contacts to make early this week. I need to hand over all the bulletin prep to our Communications Secretary and do a little training. So there's plenty of things to occupy my attention.
Still, I'm distracted. You see, I realized this morning that in exactly 2 weeks I'll be sitting on the beach of a Carribbean island. So my mind keeps wandering to the sounds of ocean waves, the smell of salt air, and the warmth of the sun sizzling my all-too-white flesh while someone fetches me something with rum and fruitjuice served in a coconut shell.
But there's an even more powerful distraction tugging at my thoughts today. My wife got home from her retreat last night. It's a beautiful Spring day. And I've got a 4:00 date to meet Margo in the hammock under the trees out back. Kinda tough to stay focued on the Monday church administrative chores when there's that wonderful event looming just a couple of hours away...
Thanks for the note on my blog. Did you see that one of my goals in the next ten years is to visit your church:) I hope you enjoy your family vacation in Carribbean. Hopefully no one gets hurt. When I think of your family on vacation, it remdinds me of your trip to San Franscico and rollerblading.
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