Another Great Narnia Flick

>> Thursday, May 29, 2008

Though I was disappointed by the latest Indiana Jones film, I was pleasantly surprised by the second Narnia movie. I really liked the first one a lot, and I was a bit afraid that the creative time would have difficulty with the story of Prince Caspian. After all, a huge part of the book is essentially a group of kids sitting down with a Dwarf and talking about the plot so far. It works great in the book, but I didn't think it would translate well to the big screen.

Apparently, the writers agree with me. They took some very significant liberties with the story in order to keep its pacing going strong (the night time raid scene, which is a completely new element, for example). Oh, sure, some of the new bits don't really work well (i.e., the relationship between Caspian and Susan), and some don't quite fit the characters the way Lewis wrote them (Peter suffers the most in this regard). But the overall result worked really well.

Here's hoping that the film generates enough revenue to warrent them working on the Silver Chair and beyond. (Voyage appears to be a sure thing, at least.)


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