Wandering the Wilderness

>> Sunday, April 27, 2008

Hope Christian Fellowship's own "wilderness wanderings" began today as we started meeting at the Fauquier County Fairgrounds. I was amazed at how quickly we walked through the setup, thanks to the great turnout of committed volunteers. Sure, there are some downsides to this facility -- mostly related to having to kludge together space for nursery and children's classes. But the heart of our church family is beating strong, and it's exciting to see what the Lord is doing.

I'm looking forward to the chaos of the next few weeks. It's been such a pleasure to watch teams pull together and pour themselves into the challenges with genuine servant's attitudes.


Stacy April 28, 2008 at 5:29 PM  

As always, l;oving your blog because I get to continue to see how God is using you and your entire family in such amazing ways.
I know that God is working in you and all of Hope as He leads you to your new home.
And, I LOL several times over when I saw the poodle pic...although, I must admit I was imagining you with a square hair-do on your head too. :)

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