>> Wednesday, April 30, 2008
We celebrated Becky's birthday yesterday. Big breakfast, opening cards and gifts, playing a game together as a family, watching a movie, lunch at McMahon's, ice cream at Carousel with friends, hanging out with the Stamps in the evening. Lots of fun! It's great to watch Becky grow up, and I'm praying for huge blessings in her life this next year.
But I also discovered a little something about my own aging thanks to Becky's birthday. While trying to do some fancy lettering for her home-made card, I'm finally ready to admit that my eyes are getting old. I had to keep holding the project further from my face so that I could focus, but then it was too far away to see the fine details of the art.
Oh, I know that it's normal. Every eye doctor will tell you that sometime after 40 you'll want to start looking into reading glasses. I guess I was just hoping to buck the trend and hold off til somewhere in my 50s or something.
I remember the day after my lasik surgery when I discovered the wonders of great vision. For the first time in my life, I could look at the sky and see the zillions of stars -- pinpoints of light, all in focus. I could read highway signs from far away. I could see the details of the trees in the distance. And all of it without glasses. It was a truly liberating experience, and hardly a day goes by when I don't thank God for that freedom. I love being able to see clearly without the lenses.
So the thought of having to wear glasses again -- even if it's just for reading or drawing -- is a little discouraging. Not a really big deal, I know. And I know I'll get used to them. Someday. Maybe. When I finally go get a pair.
But for now, I'm gonna try and be stubborn and keep reading without them. I'll supplement that with complaining to Margo that I have to hold the book far away until she tells me she can't stand it anymore and makes me go get glasses. (Hey, isn't that what aging husbands are supposed to do? *grin*)
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