Sweet, Sweet Rest
>> Tuesday, March 4, 2008
I'm taking the day off today.
With the schedule being so very full lately, it's been a while since I've had a day away from the office, away from the "to do" lists, away from the phone and e-mail, away from meetings, etc. So I'm enjoying a lazy morning just catching my breath and recharging my batteries. The plan is to be very lazy. I'll lay on the couch and read a little of Grisham's The Appeal (I'm about 2 chapters into it). Ben and I are going out to lunch and a movie later. I'll probably swing by Home Depot to get a few cans of paint (yes, we're about ready to put some color on our walls). If possible I'll squeeze in a nap.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got a lot of resting to do...
UPDATE: Just got back from lunch & a movie with Ben. We saw "Vantage Point." It's a pretty violent film, and there was an increasing amount of profanity as the movie neared its climax. It was also one of the most creative storytelling approaches I've ever seen, and the "whodunnit" plot was top notch. (There was a moment well into the story when Ben and I both had an "Aha! I think I know what's going on!" experience.) Other than a few moments of cussing near the end, I really enjoyed it. Now I'm sitting on the couch drinking a latte and reading people's blogs. Lotsa fun.
UPDATE: A while back, I installed a tool to monitor visits to my blog just to get an idea of where people are coming from. In checking the logs today, most of the visits are what I expected. Lots of folks are coming from Arizona and Virginia, and I'm thrilled at being able to stay connected with people I know and love. But many of the visits are coming from unexpected places that I've never even visited -- a town in Florida, a city in Indianna, a suburb of Chicago (perhaps an old friend from our days there?), etc. The report even shows that someone in Oslo, Norway, has been visiting the blog on their cell phone/PDA. A couple of the people have come to the blog from a link on our church web site, a couple found me by searching for specific topics I've talked about, but most came to this blog by actually entering my name in a search engine and then following the link. Interesting stuff. (And I'd love to meet the new friend from Oslo; feel free to leave a comment and introduce yourself, if you'd like!)
Scott - I'm one of those people who searched for your name through a search engine and ended up at your blog. I'm a local from Warrenton looking for a new church. Just wanted to let you know that it's so refreshing to 'hear' a pastor share from his heart - the good and the bad.
By the way, I did visit your church once and I can honestly say that it was the most genuinely friendly church I have ever visited. It wasn't the usual acting to be nice and chat because you are a visitor - it was authentic.
I just want to chime in and say "thank you" for your comment. I can't begin to tell you how pleased I am that you found Hope to be an authentic, friendly place. I feel very much the same; my family has been so warmly welcomed and embraced by these people, and we feel very honored that we can all simply be "real" with each other -- people on a journey and being refined by God along the way.
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