Not Real Virginia?

>> Saturday, October 18, 2008

On MSNBC this morning, McCain adviser Nancy Pfotenhauer asserted that "real Virginia" does not include Northern Virginia: "I certainly agree that Northern Virginia has gone more Democratic. … But the rest of the state — real Virginia if you will — I think will be very responsive to Senator McCain's message."

MSNBC host Kevin Cork gave Pfotenhauer a chance to revise her answer, telling her: "Nancy, I’m going to give you a chance to climb back off that ledge — Did you say 'real Virginia'?"

But Pfotenhauer didn't budge, and instead dug a deeper hole: "Real Virginia, I take to be, this part of the state that’s more Southern in nature, if you will."

Thorpe ended the segment noting that Pfotenhauer was appearing via satellite from Northern Virginia. "Nancy Pfotenhauer, senior policy adviser for the McCain campaign, joining us from Arlington, not really Virginia."

(quoted from


Huh. I guess I thought that little "VA" at the end of my address meant I was living in the real Virginia. Now I know.

So... How many more days 'til we're done with all this political nonsense?


Kim October 18, 2008 at 7:31 PM  

And all this time I thought that when I lived in Alexandria (Northern Virginia) that I was living in VA. My mistake? lol

I can't wait until all of this is over too.

AndyM October 19, 2008 at 1:08 AM  

All my tax dollars seem to go to fix your roads. :P

You'd think that would make you more like the real VA and less like ... "fake VA"?

Live from Lynchburg.

We have less than 4 months until the beginning of the 2010 Congressional election season kicks off. Cheers!!


Anonymous October 20, 2008 at 3:46 PM  

Real? Fake? Old-Virginia? Neo-Virginia? All unfair labels, but there are two Virginias -- not quite like there are two Californias (the haves and have nots - water I mean) -- but more like there are two New Yorks (upstate and the city). The differences are cultural (and political) but none the less real in understanding where you're neighbor's coming from. But that hardly justifies "real."

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