
>> Tuesday, September 9, 2008

We were so hoping for different news, but our vet just confirmed that Blossom has an aggressive carcinoma. Also, the sore on her belly around the area of her surgery will never really heal, and it's getting worse almost daily. The vet is checking with a pet oncologist for recommendations and will call us tomorrow.

Blossom is still very much a puppy in many ways. She's got a lot of life in her. Just yesterday afternoon, she was jumping and running after her toy and barking at the birds on the back patio. But she's also spending a lot more of her day just laying quiet near wherever we are.

I realize that we are quickly approaching the impossible decision of determining when her suffering has grown too great and deciding to say goodbye. Honestly, I dread that moment. I really, really love my dog.


Unknown September 10, 2008 at 10:54 PM  

Scott, I am SO heart aches for you guys - I so wish I could do more than pray, though I know that is the best avenue...I will be holding Blossom, and you all up toward His hands in my prayers ~

Stacy September 11, 2008 at 5:54 PM  

So very, very sorry...:(
The unconditional love that animals (especially those special dogs) pour into our lives is special and unique.
Our prayers for all of you....

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