A Moment of Geekiness

>> Friday, July 25, 2008

Pardon me for taking a moment of pure geekiness here. But, you see, I've been using Windows Vista on my office computer since the release, and I really like it. And I've found myself watching the "I'm a Mac, I'm a PC" adds with a lot of amusement. That entire advertising campaign should be a lesson in groupthink and cultic proselytization. Oh, without a doubt, the ads are really, really entertaining, even if they're not always factual. (And, for the record, I'm not against Macs at all. I was a Mac user way back when. But there are three things that annoy me about Macs today: (1) they don't always play nice with others [especially when it comes to multimedia exchange], (2) some of the "Mac Evangelists" who love their Macs are often annoying, and (3) some of my favorite software doesn't run on a Mac [especially scholarly Bible study tools].)

So I got a big kick out of the following news story this morning:

REDMOND, Wash.--After months of searching for ways to defend its oft-maligned Windows operating system, Microsoft may just have found its best weapon: Vista's skeptics.

Spurred by an e-mail from someone deep in the marketing ranks, Microsoft last week traveled to San Francisco, rounding up Windows XP users who had negative impressions of Vista. The subjects were put on video, asked about their Vista impressions, and then shown a "new" operating system, code-named Mojave. More than 90 percent gave positive feedback on what they saw. Then they were told that "Mojave" was actually Windows Vista.
read the rest at the source


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