Granny Bumper Cars!

>> Thursday, July 10, 2008

Yes, yes, yes... I know. I've been sluggish in posting lately. I'd love to throw excuses -- life has been really busy lately, I've taken on a couple of art project, our social calendar has been really full, etc. But the truth is that my mind is really deep in thought about where I'm at with God and life and Hope and family and friendships and all sorts of other stuff. God is continuing to refine me, stretch me, and challenge me. It's like drinking from a firehose sometimes, and it's certainly far too much to process in a blog. At least for now. I'm sure more details will bubble forth as I wrap my mind around some stuff.

In the meantime, for your reading pleasure, a news article from the Telegraph. Boggles the mind, doesn't it?


Grannies on Mobility Scooters
Fight in Supermarket

By Rupert Neate

Two grandmothers on mobility scooters had to be dragged apart after getting into a fight where they were "ramming each other like dodgems" in a supermarket.
The women were separated after they started trading blows in front of shoppers in an aisle of the Iceland store in Crawley, West Sussex.

They were prized apart after staff heard screams.

A store worker said: "It was shocking.

"Seeing these two old ladies going for each other like that was truly disturbing."

The shelf-stacker, who did not wish to be named, added: "They could have been seriously hurt - they were ramming each other like dodgems."

Police were called to the scene after the warring pensioners - who had been friends - fell out over money.

They arrested one of the pensioners, who has not been named, on suspicion of assaulting the other 78- year-old woman who suffered an injury to her arm. She was later taken to hospital.

The grand-daughter of one of them said: "The two of them met some months ago and this lady was always at grandma's house.

"They became really friendly but fell out massively over money."

It is not yet known whether charges will be brought.

It is not the first time mobility scooters have been used dangerously.

In Rugby, Warwickshire, the policy introduced a speeding clampdown on mobility scooters, which can reach a top speed of 8mph, after a series of collisions and near misses in the town centre.

original link here


Stacy July 11, 2008 at 12:44 AM  

Where do you find these stories?! Crazy, I tell you....the stories, not you :) (smirk)
We Smiths miss you all SO much!
I am looking foward to those deep posts..drippings from this hose that you are currently drinking from. My prayers are with you, my dear friend.

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