Pondering the Power

>> Monday, May 26, 2008

I really enjoyed sharing about the power of God during our worship service yesterday. As I've read through the accounts of the wilderness wanderings of the Hebrews, I've been struck again and again by the amazing display of God's power. What was it like to stand at the foot of Mt. Sinai, gazing up at the smoke encompassing the mountain, watching the lightning flash, feeling the ground rumble, and hearing the voice of the Lord in the thunder? And how can anyone who experienced that, who saw the plagues unleashed in Egypt, who crossed the Red Sea between the walls of water, who ate the provision of God each morning... how could anyone experience such power and still be selfish and rebellious?

I've often wondered why God doesn't continue to reveal himself to his people in that way. Why aren't churches shaken with his presence and filled with the thunder of his voice? Why doesn't his judgment flare out with fire and earthquakes and the ground opening up to swallow the wicked? (Not that I'm eager to see that wrath unleashed, mind you...) Of course, one day all of that power will be displayed once again. We've read the Revalation as written by John, and we know the end of the story. But why the long pauses in history between the dazzling displays of God's power.

But just when I start asking that question, the answer seems so striking. If God's people did not respond faithfully when his power was so visible and undeniable in their circumstances, what makes me think that we would be any more responsive today? Besides, all of his deeds have been recorded and miraculously preserved for us, and his power is still evident all about us for any who open their eyes and seek him.

The power of God to his people in the wilderness was a calling for their faith and trust in him. How much more are we called to faith today wihout having to see plagues of locust or pillars of fire to guide us.

Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see... And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him. (Hebrews 11:1,6 NIV)

Jesus told him, “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” (John 20:29 NIV)


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