Missing Mom
>> Friday, May 9, 2008
As we head into the Mother's Day weekend, it's hitting me just how much I miss my mom. This will be the first Mother's Day in my life without the opportunity to shop for a card and gift, or to call her and say "I love you and thanks." It's not overwhelmingly sad or anything; it's just another milestone of grief, and it kind of snuck up on me unexpectedly.
To all of you out there with the privilege of making your mom feel special this weekend, make the most of the opportunity. You'll be glad you did.
Dear Father,
Please be with Scott. Lord, I pray that you will fill his mind with memories of laughter and his heart with YOUR healing. May Your words and presence be comforting Scott, Scott's Dad, and all of the Heine family as they move into the weeks ahead.
It was my Dad's first Mother's Day without his Mom too. He seemed to be Ok, but I know he was probably hurting.
Blesssings and peace to you my friend!
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