Do You Have Any Idea Where You're Going?
>> Friday, March 7, 2008
No. No I do not. And it's wonderful.
When we started working our way through the letter to the Galatians on Sunday mornings, I had this really nice, neat outline of what we'd cover, where we'd focus, and how we'd pull out the themes and consider their implications for our lives. But every single week God has stepped in, grabbed the steering wheel, and taken me in an unexpected direction.
Somehow I thought this week would be different. I knew what was coming up in the book, and I knew what I expected to say. But I found myself kind of locked in on a couple of verses in my own study, and the message began to take on a life of its own. The more I chased down the implications of those verses, the more I realized we need to park here for a week and think this through.
I also discovered that it's time to share the story of Sam this week, and to allow Paul himself to respond directly from the words of this letter. (That will make more sense on Sunday morning.) I shared briefly with Margo this morning, describing how God took over the preparation process once again this week and the really neat thing that it became for me in my own journey. It was cool; we both had tears in our eyes. I just hope the Spirit empowers me to share that special discovery with our family at Hope as clearly as I've experienced it.
I've come to the conclusion that God likes to show off, and that I'm really excited about having no idea what's coming next.
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